Palabras de cierre de Herman Duarte para conferencia de la IBA
Palabras de cierre de Herman Duarte en conferencia con la International Bar Association
This webinar discussed the ways in which three countries in Central America - ie Costa Rica, El Salvador and Nicaragua - have responded to Covid-19, including recurrent violations of international human rights and the rule of law that have occurred therein. In two of the three cases, IBAHRI has issued calls to the governments to address these violations. Join us on this webinar to explore patterns in violations and potential remedies.
Opening remarks:
Maria José Yglesias Dean, School of Law, ULACIT, San José
Herman Duarte Simple Legal Consulting, Costa Rica; Latin American Regional Forum Liaison Officer, IBA Human Rights Law Committee
Elizabeth Jiménez EJM Consultoría Jurídica, San José
Cindy Regidor Journalist, Confidencial Nicaragua, San José
Leonor Selva Politi.Co Policy, San Salvador
Federica D´Alessandra Oxford Institute for Ethics Law and Armed Conflict, Oxford; Co-Chair, IBA Human Rights Law Committee
Bianca Jagger Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, London
Baroness Helena Kennedy Director – IBA’s Human Rights Institute, London
The Hon Justice Michael Kirby Former Justice of the High Court of Australia, Sydney; Co-Chair, IBA’s Human Rights Institute
Herman Duarte Simple Legal Consulting, Costa Rica; Latin American Regional Forum Liaison Officer, IBA Human Rights Law Committee
Interview with the Honorable Michael Kirby with Herman Duarte
As part of the Covid-19 and human rights in Central America webinar for July 1rst, 2020, In the video below, Herman Duarte, IBA Human Rights Law Committee Latin American Liaison Officer, discusses the impact of Covid19 with IBAHRI Co-Chair, The Hon. Justice Michael Kirby. They cover the following topics:
The role of information, transparency and proportionality
The contrast between El Salvador and Nicaragua
The role of science in the pandemic
The role of international organisations
The importance of transparency and the Chinese Communist Party